
Photo of Heikkila

Heikkila in a Blackhawk above Iraq

Luke Heikkila is a producer for Twin Cities Public Television.  This blog focuses on his upcoming trip to Afghanistan, in which he’ll embed with a unit from the Minnesota National Guard to produce a documentary about the AgriBusiness Development Team’s efforts to help Afghan farmers become better equipped to farm their land.  Heikkila will post updates leading up to, during and after his trip to invite readers behind the scenes of the documentary throughout its making.

This is Heikkila’s second embed.  In 2009 he traveled to Basra, Iraq as part of his production of “Iraq & Back: Minnesotans’ Stories.”  It was during his initial research for the Afghanistan trip that he was reminded of how difficult it can be for journalists, much less everyday citizens, to find the necessary information and resources to undertake such a complicated venture. It is Heikkila’s hope that this blog will provide insight on how to do just that– while providing no small amount of interest and entertainment in the process. Please feel free to comment and share this blog with friends. To reach Luke directly, email lheikkila(at)tpt.org.